Melida Rodas is a former Poetry and Art Teacher for The 21st Century Program
Subject: Poetry and Art
PS 34 Barrack Obama School
Below is an Opinion piece on the Program and A description of Services.
"The murders and shootings that have been afflicting certain Jersey City neighborhoods and the corresponding anti-violence marches they've spawned could create a climate of despair about the future for our city's youngsters. But anyone who was at 21st Century after-school program at St. Peter's University last week could take heart in the bright-eyed engagement displayed by the students from Schools 40 and 34 who participated.....The students, teachers and the dedicated staff of the 21st Century after-school effort are a beacon, an anodyne to the gloom and violent scenarios being played out on the very streets many of the students inhabit."

Updated: Dec. 15, 2015, 6:42 p.m.
|Published: Dec. 15, 2015, 5:42 p.m.
Students explain their project at the 21st Century after-school program
at Saint Peter's College. (Photo courtesy Elnardo Webster)
What are the core services of the 21st CCLC Program?
The core services of a 21st CCLC program must be those services and/or activities that advance student achievement using the 12 program categories outlined in the federal guidance that are offered during out-of-school-time hours. Out-of-school-time programs should reflect a commitment to promoting knowledge, skills and understanding through enriching, hands-on, creative learning opportunities that do not extend, but complement the school day. The core services fit into four main categories:
Academic Enrichment: Remedial education activities that provide additional assistance to students to allow them to improve their academic achievement. These include tutoring in core academic subjects such as mathematics and science, as well as activities for students who are limited English proficient that emphasize their language skills and academic achievement.
Enrichment Activities and Recreation: Activities that complement students' academic learning by allowing students to engage in more creative pursuits such as art, music, dance, recreation and cultural activities.
Family Literacy and Enrichment Programs: Literacy and other educational services that assist parents and families of participating children in becoming full partners in the education of their children, These services allow for increased parental involvement and provide family members with the opportunity to engage in interactive literacy activities.
Support Services: Services that target drug, violence, and other youth prevention programs, including character education. Students and their families are linked to community outreach services that provide opportunities to engage in service learning activities and allow access to adult education resources.