Melida Published By: Transformations - The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy as we are a streak of light, a shadow, a blade of grass, bending with humility, I feel grace
Melida's Work: Published by Scholarly Publishing Collective, Duke University Press...Transformations, Volume 25, Issue 1 Spring-Summer 2014 Partners: Michigan State University Press Penn State University Press SBL Press...
Melida, Dodge Poetry Festival School Coordinator Dodge Poetry Festival School Coordinator Partnership : Dodge Poetry Festival Support: Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Since 2006, when...
Melida Lecturer: Partnership with Saint John's Abbey , Saint John's University, Minnesota, St. Peters University, JC September 26th 2013 Partnership: Saint John's Abbey , Saint John's University, Minnesota and Saint Peter's University - NJ Research:...